Thursday, May 14, 2015

mother daughter photo session

I found Ashley Jennett of The Stork & The Beanstalk where I find every thing that is cool these days, on Instagram. I can't remember exactly how I found her, but I kept coming back to her to work. Her style stands out and each of her photos would draw me in to stay a while. That's tough to do on Instagram, where much of the look is homogenized.

She announced she was having a Mother & Child special for Mother's day and I treated myself to a little mother's day gift. To be honest, I loved that she offered a mother and child session, because I am behind the camera so much and rarely in photos with Chloe. I felt selfish wanting a session of just she and I, but the fact that Ashely offered a Mother & Child session made me more okay with it. Of course now I want a session of all three of us. But I'm so glad we did a shoot of just us girls. 

I love her photos of us.  She is seriously good and a joy to be around. If you want to see more of her work, check out her blog and Instagram stream, but also this session of a super hot mom and her darling son in Old San Juan Puerto Rico. It's stunning.

All photos in this post by Ashley Jennett. 

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